RA RISHIKAVI RAGHUDAS is an internationally known, professional astrologer with over 40 years experience and thousands of satisfied clients. Deeply studied in various branches of metaphysics, Ra has a broad spiritual background to draw from, including many years as an Integral Yoga teacher, and as a certified Tantra teacher. In his spiritual counseling practice, Ra often combines Tarot and astrology to add additional insights to his readings, in which he gives advice that is both intuitive and practical.
An author, a well-known poet, a screenwriter and a producer as well, he is at home among creatives, everyday people, and celebrities alike. His clientele includes many prominent names in the entertainment and business communities, plus ordinary people looking for meaning and clarity in their life. Clear and deep insights are Ra’s specialty.
Ra is a sought-after speaker, teacher and researcher whose personal readings and public presentations are clear, incisive and fun. Articulate, stylish and humorous, he has taught many master classes and has spoken at astro conferences around the world. As he is in showbiz himself, Ra often combines astrology and entertainment topics and he is known for predicting the Oscar winners each year (with great success) purely through astrology, an annual event he calls the ASTRO OSCARS (TM).
Ra is the former Vice President and Education Director Emeritus for the Los Angeles chapter of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR-LA). He offers Livestreams on the astrology app AstroStar Live, and daily astrology forecasts on his own social media. Ra is known as Agent 141 in the international astrology network, Cosmic Intelligence Agency (C*I*A). He has been widely published in such magazines as Dell Horoscope, ISAR Journal, Constellation News, Timelords, The Astrological Journal (U.K.), and FAA Journal (Australia), and popular websites like Astrodienst (www.astro.com).
Ra is the author of "The Astrology of Bond--James Bond,” a deep dive into the entire Bond phenomenon as seen through the lens of astrology. Called a unique modern classic that combines showbiz storytelling and astrological research, the book was published by The Wessex Astrologer (U.K.) in December, 2022, to immediate rave reviews from astrologers and Bond fans alike. It's available from Amazon and other online retailers, plus your local bookseller and www.wessexastrologer.com, in paperback, ebook, and a spectacular hardcover, full-color gift edition.
Follow Ra on social media for his daily astrology forecasts and more: